

General Information

The Master's thesis is a written examination which is intended to show that the student is able to work independently within a given period of time. In order to be admitted to the Master Thesis, the student needs 48 ​​ECTS credits. For the thesis you get 18 ECTS points. You will find more detailed information on the prerequisites on the pages of the examination office of the University of Hohenheim.


Registration at the Examination Office and the duration of the processing

You must register your Master thesis at the Examination Office. As a rule, the registration is accepted by your supervisor after you have defined the topic and agreed on the start date of your work. For a successful application, you only have to sign the official registration form with your supervisor. You will finally receive a confirmation of the application from the Examination Office and the issuing party. The official processing time of the thesis begins with the registration of the topic at the Examination Office. The duration of a Master's thesis is three months. In individual cases, the Examination Board may extend the processing time by a maximum of six weeks on justified request. If you would like to carry out a particularly extensive empirical study at our chair, you should get in contact with our chairmen at an early stage in order to schedule a suitable timeframe for the time.


Information from the Examination Office

 Statutory Declaration

 Application Form

 Satzung Nr. 927 des Senats der Universität Hohenheim vom 21. Februar 2014

Additional Information

Information from the Chair

 Information Sheet

 Guidelines Bachelor Thesis

Cover Page

Cover Page (Word Document)