
I. Databases and sources of information
Google scholar enables you to search more efficiently for scientific articles
IDEAS is an elaborated database for economists, which offers work papers and articles of journals free of charge.
The website of the German Federal Office for Statistics, always good for numbers!


II. Organisations/Institutions
The main tasks of the federal cartel office comply of the enforcement of cartel ban, the execution of merging control as well as the control of abusive practices by market-dominating companies. The federal cartel office can forbid the merge of companies, disallow abusive acting, impose conditions and declare fines.
The Federal Communications Commission is an autonomous US-agency that is directly subordinate to the congress. The agency controls the radio, television, satellite and cable communication and is the regulatory authority for radios, computers and TV’s.
The monopoly commission is an independent advisory board, which consists of specialists and works towards the German Minister of Economics. The most important task for them is to produce a report every two years about the cartel situation in Germany, which warns for miss-developments on the basis of indications.
The Bundesnetzagentur has the task, through liberalisation and deregulation, to push the developments on the electricity-, gas-, telecommunication-, postal-, and since 01. January 2006 also the rail- infrastructure market. It was given powerful instruments to accomplish these regulation goals, which also implies the information and investigation rights as well as the possibility of sanctioning.
The Verein für Socialpolitik wants "to scientifically assess problems in economic- and social-economic science as well as economic- and social-economic politics. Furthermore the international relations between its members should be kept alive".
The competition resort of the European Commission (Commissioner Neelie Kroes) has to keep up and realise a functional competition inside the markets of the European Union. 

III. Programs
Most of our documents are in PDF-format. To be able to view and print these documents the Acrobat Reader form Adobe is necessary.
The contents of the lectures Microeconomics I and II (text and graphics) were displayed as Mathematica Notebooks. For viewing and printing, the MathReader is required.
To be able to send data quicker, some data may be ‚zipped’. To ‚unzip’ the files, a program like WinZip is needed. 

Links to Latex


IV. Universität Hohenheim
Library of the university
Homepage of the Universität Hohenheim[lsfInstitution]=304
Institute for economics in Hohenheim (i3v)
Institute for economics in Hohenheim (Individual Homepage)


V. Similar chairs
Chair for economic policy at the technical university of Ilmenau, Prof Dr. Hermann Kallfaß
Chair for economic policy at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kerber
Institute for economic policy at the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Jörn Kruse
Chair for economic policy at the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap


VI. Other interesting links
One of the richest and well-structured sources for economists on the internet is Bill Goffes famous commented collection of links, entitled ‘Resources for Economists on the Internet





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